Friday, 24 February 2012

Reviewing ball bounce with wall

Last week we were introduced to F-Curves and the Dopesheet to work out the movement and smooth it out to look more natural. We were given a homework to do which was the ball bounce peering over the wall. Today was a work session where we were to work on the ball bounce within the lesson. Here is my one:

Friday, 17 February 2012

lesson 3 notes

arrow keys= move frame left and right
to skip to specific frame type it in box

to loop, click loop button= golden goal posts will appear
Sapce bar= deslect when drag away
Navigation same as View-port

dope sheet= view > animation
'0' and click on editor = dope sheeet shortcut

to move every key frame, click Dopesheet summary keyframe and select/adjust

drag speed up/down all frames, Hold Shift keyt and adjust accodingly.
Grabbing in middle shifts frame along.
G= Grid tool

Camera icon> Start capture

Output>  (Automatically be stored in 'Renderedpictures') Name of proejct and version number
Fromat> Quicktime (.MOV)
Codec> Compression Type>Photo JPEG (OR) H264. Compressor>Quality> High (Best option)

Picture settings> 1024 x 576
Pixel Ratio= 1
*tick user pixel ratio*

To capture IMAGE sequence (Useful for Animatics)

Camera Icon> Start Capture
Format= JPEG
Frame Padding: toggles type  number of frames display

To open IMG sequence 



-Animation editor- Dopsheet-

-------------Fcurve editor--------------------------

view>Choose mode to get classic view

curve represents ease in/out

Keys> unifed place orientation: untick = moving the fcurve line wont affet anything before the tweek part

Interpulation= space that computer fills in for animation

Interpulation types:

-Linear: Motion thats normally mechanicals move like
-Stepped: Motion jumps rather than travels. Like a Switch
-Spline: Normal fluid motion with ease in and ease out.

ANimation Mentor (google)

Centre= move object core then go back to object

VOL=VOLUME (tick to keep volume)

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Mr.Potato Head Comic Finished

Today I spent the rest of the afternoon after the lecture seminar finishing off the comic strip. Here is the end result:

Overall, I think this went well, I really enjoyed making this and feel like I have a firm grasp of the basic tools of Soft-Image.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Mr.Potato Head Assembled!

Today I decided to head over to the Undercroft and start on my 3D assembling homework on making the Potato heads.

I have assembled them together and will start on the comic strip tomorrow morning.

Here is the finish product:

We were also taught some Shortcuts too and I will list them here for save keeping

Eye-tool= 'S'
Selection Tool= 'Space Bar'
Frame/Focus in= 'F'
Rotation Tool= 'C'
Smoothing= '+' (numeric pad)
Duplicate= 'CTRL' + 'D'
Resizing= 'X'

And here is the preset work station:

File> Preferences> Output Format> Preset- Custom (1024 x 576)

Pixel Ratio = 1
Resolution = 1024 x 576

(Make sure to untick ''Maintain Picture Ratio'')

Frame Format = 25FPS

Friday, 3 February 2012

1st lesson: Introduction to 3D imagesoft

Today we were introduced to the imagesoft 3D software. This program will be used for the entirety of this term to create a Bouncing tennis ball, a falling bowling ball and a shuttle cock dropping to the ground. Furthermore, there will also be a characterised walk in which we will have to make with this software.

Our homework is to re-construct Mr and Mrs Potato head and make a small comic strip.

Already this is something that  I am definitely looking forward to!